Nourish Yourself With These Self-care Activities Designed For Educators

Schools and education environments are fast-paced, busy, and often stressful.

But managing stress as an educator isn’t necessarily straightforward. With an overflowing plate of responsibilities it’s easy for burnout to creep up and take over.

When you’re looking after so many young, amazing minds, it might feel tempting to push your own wellbeing needs to the side so you can dedicate more of your time to lesson planning, reporting and student support. However, we know that students gain the most value from you as a teacher when you’re feeling good too.

It’s important to remember you deserve to give yourself the same care and support you offer your students each day. After all, you’re supporting the next generation of amazing minds, and that’s an incredible vocation.

So, carve some time out for yourself today, settle down with a tea or coffee and nourish yourself with these self-care activities designed specifically for teachers.

Download and practise these self care activities for teachers.