Getting started with mindfulness

In today’s fast-paced world, family life can, at times, be experienced as overwhelming, busy and stressful. Many families struggle on a daily basis with the sense that there is always too much to do and never enough time to do it. The unfortunate result is that the enjoyable, nurturing and nourishing aspects of family life can all too easily be overshadowed.

The good news is that integrating mindfulness into everyday family life (as opposed to it becoming yet another thing on your ‘should-do’ list!) can have profound benefits, both for the individuals within families, parents and children alike, as well as for families as a whole.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach for bringing mindfulness into your daily life, so Smiling Mind’s app has lots of programs and activities to help you get started.

Find a comfortable place to sit down, and try these meditations and activities with your kids as a way to settle down and ground in the present moment.

The bubble journey is designed for children aged 5 to 7 years.

The wish tree is designed for children aged 8 to 10 years.

Self-compassion and empathy is designed for children aged 11 to 12 years.

Want to do more? ­­The Smiling Mind free app has programs developed specifically for families to help with:

  • Sleep - Establish good sleep routines and support a better night’s sleep for the whole family.

  • Meal times - Make mealtimes calmer and more enjoyable.

  • After school - Reset kids’ minds and bodies after a busy day of learning.

  • On the go - Engage with mindfulness while your family is travelling.

  • Weekends - Foster connection and help your family prepare for the week ahead.

Download the Smiling Mind app, sign-up and look for the ‘Families’ section under ‘Explore’ in the menu.