Reset Your Mind and Body: Regulate and Reduce Stress With a Few Minutes of Breathing

Your work as a health and support professional is invaluable to the children and families you support. But there’s no denying that it’s a stressful, high stakes environment to function in each day.

One of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal to overcome stress doesn’t require anything more than taking some time to focus on your breathing and your thoughts.

Breath work can help you regulate and reduce stress responses when things are becoming overwhelming. It’s a physical reset for your body and mind, and a great way to ground yourself when your thoughts are racing.

Even if you can't leave your desk, you can take a Brain Break - this is short three-minute breathing practice that you can do anywhere, anytime. Your breath can act as an anchor for your attention and connect you to the present moment.

Taking a short pause in this way can help you reset, think more clearly and execute the task at hand with a greater sense of focus. If focusing on your breath is uncomfortable for you try focusing on the sounds that you can hear instead.

Listen to this breathing exercise called What Rhythmic Breathing can do for you.

For times when you are feeling more acutely stressed, try the STOP technique.

Bookmark this page and come back to it whenever you need to reset.

Want to do more? ­­The Smiling Mind free app has programs developed specifically for adults and tailored programs for Workplaces.

Download the Smiling Mind app, sign-up and look for the ‘Adults’ or ‘At Work’ sections under ‘Explore’ in the menu.