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11–12 Year Olds

Help your eleven or twelve year old develop the skills they need to thrive in life! These packs will teach them to observe their thoughts and emotions more objectively to allow them to access a calmer and more mindful place as they move through life’s ups and downs.


A guide to step back into school

This contains tips and tricks to transition your kids back into physical school life

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Self Compassion and Empathy

Use this mindfulness meditation and exercise to help your child become kinder and more compassionate with themselves and others. Children can be gently encouraged to be compassionate and have an open mind on a daily basis. As they do this, they are more likely to believe in themselves and persist in the face of difficulty. Cultivating a growth mindset begins with mindfulness as we pay attention to the present moment with curiosity, tuning in to all it has to offer us.


This meditation helps you to become kinder and more compassionate with yourself and others.

To get started, find a comfy spot to sit and start the meditation.


Think of recent times when you have done your very best and felt proud of your efforts even when the ‘going got tough’. Make an origami heart envelope using a square piece of paper. Reflect on how it feels to try hard and keep going even when things are tough. On little squares, write some encouraging self-talk you say to yourself and pop them inside your heart.

This activity can be done on a blank piece of paper, or on the downloadable template.


Download the full Care Pack!

If you loved these download the full care pack here and get access to loads more mindfulness meditations and activities.


Download the Care Pack Activity Book!

Click here to download the Kid’s activity booklet – all of the activity sheets from the pack are here for easy printing.

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 This program is funded by:


Thanks to the generous support of our funder.